Supporting the Future of Legal Work at a Major Athletic Brand
How Axiom lawyer and team lead David McIntyre helps a major sportswear company make real progress toward their business goals.
Imperatives for a New Legal Industry Era
Unbundling services, embracing remote work, and shaping a people-focused legal industry with Debbie Epstein Henry and Mark Cohen.
The Emerging Role of Product Counsel and Product Liability Lawyers
Key learnings on serving, and building a career, as a product counsel, from Axiom’s recent webinar.
A Unique Path to Product and Business Counsel at the Heart of Silicon Valley
How Axiom Lawyer Chad Woodford draws on his background as a software engineer to build a robust career in the tech industry, while pursuing passions for yoga and writing.
How You Can Maintain a Flexible, In-House Career After Changes to IR35
Five reasons why Axiom can help you continue your legal career on your terms.
It’s Time to Reimagine Your Legal Career
As the realities of work evolve, Axiom empowers legal professionals to reshape their careers and engage with their purpose.
How this Axiom Lawyer is Reimagining the Legal Function
Building efficiencies to free up creativity and innovation at a major apparel company.
IR35 and the Future of Flexible Legal Services
How Axiom can help you maintain an agile legal department and in-house career after changes to IR35 are implemented in April 2021.