2023 in Review: Top 13 Most Popular Resources for In-House Legal Teams
Check out Axiom's comprehensive guide to the most popular insights over the last year, including transformative trends shaping the legal landscape in 2024.
Navigating Generative AI: Three Big Takeaways for In-House Legal Teams
Isha Marathe, Legal Tech Reporter at ALM’s Legaltech News, covered Axiom’s recent webinar, AI & Data Privacy: Emerging Trends for In-House Counsel.
8 Burning Questions About the Role of AI for Lawyers
The latest research from Axiom reveals how lawyers view AI and how they are currently using it in their personal lives and careers.
Answering the “Big Three” AI Questions for Lawyers: AI 101
AI in law is changing the legal landscape as companies & law firms grapple with using AI. Here's three questions to understand AI best practices.
AI in Law: Six Ways Axiom is Riding the AI/LLM Wave (and how you can, too)
AI in law is changing the legal landscape as companies & law firms grapple with using AI. Here's how Axiom uses artificial intelligence in practice.
AI Revolution for In-House Legal Teams: The Seven Headlines All Lawyers Need to Know
Learn more as we delve into the current state of the AI revolution and its profound impact on legal departments in 2023.
Why Talent Retention is the New KPI for Legal Tech
Legal departments are finding themselves at the crossroads of the growth of legal tech and the battle for legal talent. The question is: how and where do tech implementation and talent retention interact?
Four Benefits of Hiring Lawyers Through a Digital Platform
Benefits of hiring lawyers through a digital platform include improved risk mitigation, increased speed to hire, extended expertise, and decreased costs.