Global Insurer Ensures Cybersecurity Compliance

Axiom attorney helped:

Money Down
Generate cost savings compared to outside counsel
Complete over 120 Data Processing Agreements
Online Security
Ensure cybersecurity and privacy compliance


F500 insurance company needs support running a data breach incident response. The privacy team’s bandwidth is tapped out, and they lack requisite familiarity with federal and state data breach laws.


Axiom deployed a cybersecurity pro to draft DPAs (Data Processing Agreements), edit existing privacy templates, and advise on ongoing cyber legislation. As the in-house team scrambled to cover commercial workflows, the Axiom lawyer also partnered with the client’s information security team to draft regulatory and consumer notices and report them to internal and external stakeholders. 


  • Axiom lawyer completed 120+ DPAs and led a team-wide training session on marketing privacy legislation.
  • Ongoing access to a proven Axiom lawyer enabled insurer to easily work with a seasoned legal professional who knows their business, unlike a law firm who may allocate different lawyers for different engagements.
  • Saved on hourly rates for privacy counsel by reallocating work to Axiom attorney.


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