Reports & Guides

The Impact of Digital Maturity on Australian In-House Legal Teams

Companies are investing billions in legal tech with the expectation that it will improve productivity, cut costs, and make work easier for their in-house legal teams.​ But does it?​ 

We conducted research to determine if legal tech is helping or hurting Australian legal teams through its impact on productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, budgets, team well-being, and human resourcing.​

Axiom commissioned InsightDynamo, a leading market research organisation, to survey 200 in-house legal leaders across Australia to understand the implications of digital maturity on today's legal teams.

Download the report to learn what the research discovered.

November 7, 2024

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of Australian legal teams are digitally mature
of digitally mature legal departments reported the highest productivity
of the digitally immature legal departments said they don't have the right legal expertise on their team
of respondents from digitally mature legal teams are stressed on the job

What Will I Learn?

This report found legal tech does make Australian legal teams more productive, efficient, and aligned to the business.​ But digital maturity has a business cost, too: The more digitally mature a team gets, the greater the stress on the in-house legal team, and the greater the motivation among individual lawyers to find a more rewarding career path.

One solution is to reduce the load on the in-house team with tech-savvy lawyers who have in-house experience and can help right-size the team as needed.​ The research indicates that’s going to be a blend of hiring FTEs, retaining outside law firms, and partnering with an ALSP (such as Axiom) for high-quality flexible legal talent on demand.​ All three groups studied reported increasing budgets for these line items, plus legal ops and technology, although with varying levels of investment and prioritization.​

What's the Solution?

Achieving the smallest, most efficient team isn’t necessarily achieving the optimal team. No legal leader wants efficiency at the cost of great stress. ​Efficiency that helps create a rewarding environment that meets business goals? That’s the digitally mature organisation we all want to work in.​