Find Patents Lawyers
Axiom helps you find & engage the right business-oriented Patents Lawyers on a full-time, part-time, or as-needed basis at affordable rates.
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How It Works
Tell us about your needs & priorities to see relevant legal talent from our bench with the experience you need
We help you identify the right fit for your team
Axiom lawyers support your team on a full-time, part-time, or as-needed basis
More information on Axiom's Patents Lawyers
Hire a Patent Lawyer
Axiom provides businesses with patent lawyers who have experience in patents and intellectual property protection. Our patent lawyers assist companies in navigating the complexities of patent law, including filing patent applications, patent infringement cases, and overall patent protection. Whether your company needs full-time or part-time patent legal support, our flexible solutions are designed to provide top-tier legal talent at a lower cost than hiring traditional law firms.
Patent lawyers play a crucial role in guiding businesses through the patent process, from the preparation, filing, and prosecution of patents, to handling disputes like patent infringement. Axiom connects companies with registered patent attorneys and patent agents who hold the necessary qualifications, including a license to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). These professionals are adept at helping General Counsels and legal departments ensure that their intellectual property is fully protected and compliant with the latest regulations.
Our patent lawyers are registered with the USPTO and have passed what is often referred to as the patent bar, ensuring they are fully capable of prosecuting patent applications and providing strategic advice. Whether you're dealing with the USPTO or other international patent offices, Axiom’s lawyers are here to simplify the process for your business. By working with us, you can efficiently manage the preparation, filing, and prosecution of patents while ensuring that your company remains protected from patent infringement risks.
With Axiom, businesses have access to multiple choices of highly skilled patent lawyers, ensuring that they find the right fit for their unique needs. We help streamline the patent process, providing the support needed to register with the USPTO and secure patent protection, all while reducing legal costs. Whether you're a startup or an established corporation, our team of patent attorneys is ready to support your intellectual property goals.
How can I find Patents Lawyers near me?
Axiom makes it easy to find Patents Lawyers in your area. Find the lawyers and legal staff you need with Axiom's Talent Finder. Browse through our network of legal professionals and lawyers with deep experience in Patents and Intellectual Property Law.
You can narrow your search by applying filters for location, availability, and experience. Once you find the right attorney for your needs, you can start a conversation or book them directly.
In addition to Patents Lawyers, Axiom's large network of legal talent spans acrosss 14 practice areas and 31 industries. Whether you need a secondee lawyer, a legal team for large projects, or any type of legal support, we've got you covered.
Remote Patents Lawyers
Our lawyers and legal support can work remotely, which not only helps to reduce costs but also provides us with the flexibility to engage with businesses from anywhere in the world. Axiom has 24 years of proven experience in remote engagements, supporting the onboarding and management of thousands of remote relationships.
How fast can I hire Patents Lawyers from Axiom?
Axiom's Patents Lawyers can be accessed in just a few easy steps. Use our Talent Finder to let Axiom find your business top in-house legal talent quickly, and within budget. Just answer a few quick questions and we'll find you qualified legal talent with the necessary experience.
You can also contact us and schedule a consultation to receive a curated list of Axiom legal professionals matched to your needs. Next, interview one or more of our suggested options. After you select the best candidate, they can begin work. The process is quick, easy, and can be completed in as little as 24 hours.
Why hire Patents Lawyers from Axiom?
Axiom's lawyers and allied legal professionals provide a cost-effective alternative to outside counsel and can supplement strategic law firm work.
Axiom is one of the world's leading alternative legal services providers (ALSP). We will find your business top Patents support quickly and within budget.
- Axiom typically saves our clients 30 to 50% over traditional law firms
- Our lawyers have an average of 18+ years of experience
- 95% of clients are satisfied with Axiom
- 68% of F100 companies are clients
More on the Intellectual Property Law Capabilities of Axiom Lawyers
Get a comprehensive look at the capabilities of Axiom lawyers, and ways they can help with your intellectual property law needs.